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1/22/2025 1:32 AM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to BI9BJJ

1/22/2025 1:29 AM  W8TMB
hitting FT8 on 15m

1/22/2025 1:26 AM  oe6jve

1/22/2025 1:26 AM  W0JAY
You have worked Marquesas Islands. Just reached 240 countries!

1/22/2025 1:18 AM  KC1ERO

1/22/2025 1:12 AM  WA4ELK
2O M

1/22/2025 1:09 AM  LX1MAX
You have worked Aruba. Just reached 116 countries!

1/22/2025 1:09 AM  DH2YBG

1/22/2025 12:59 AM  KK4WP
You have worked Marquesas Islands. Just reached 141 countries!

1/22/2025 12:58 AM  KR0ES

1/22/2025 12:56 AM  WB5E

1/22/2025 12:56 AM  JF9SLP
You have worked West Malaysia. Just reached 75 countries!

1/22/2025 12:46 AM  ka1erl
looking for contacts

1/22/2025 12:45 AM  LU5EA
You have worked Martinique. Just reached 52 countries!

1/22/2025 12:42 AM  g3ypp

1/22/2025 12:41 AM  F4LYX
You have worked Canada. Just reached 51 countries!

1/22/2025 12:41 AM  F4LYX
You have worked Cuba. Just reached 51 countries!

1/22/2025 12:28 AM  W8TMB
hitting FT8 on 15m

1/22/2025 12:24 AM  KF4DDJ
You have worked New Caledonia. Just reached 153 countries!

1/22/2025 12:18 AM  KC1ERO

1/22/2025 12:15 AM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to YG9AEU

1/22/2025 12:11 AM  WA4ELK
2O M

1/22/2025 12:10 AM  oe6jve

1/22/2025 12:04 AM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to IK3SGL

1/22/2025 12:03 AM  WD4ORM
You have worked Malawi. Just reached 95 countries!

1/22/2025 12:01 AM  AF4CZ
You have worked Oman. Just reached 91 countries!

1/21/2025 11:59 PM  DH2YBG

1/21/2025 11:57 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to KF0QIS

1/21/2025 11:53 PM  BG3RQT
You have worked Reunion Island. Just reached 89 countries!

1/21/2025 11:53 PM  WB5E

1/21/2025 11:50 PM  N4MDG
You have worked Guatemala. Just reached 117 countries!

1/21/2025 11:49 PM  N4MDG
You have worked Easter Island. Just reached 116 countries!

1/21/2025 11:49 PM  KR0ES

1/21/2025 11:36 PM  W1ZFL
You have worked Western Sahara. Just reached 140 countries!

1/21/2025 11:33 PM  LU7DK
You have worked West Malaysia. Just reached 197 countries!

1/21/2025 11:27 PM  ka1erl
looking for contacts

1/21/2025 11:27 PM  JH2VVH
You have worked Costa Rica. Just reached 70 countries!

1/21/2025 11:26 PM  W9RSM
You have worked Singapore. Just reached 141 countries!

1/21/2025 11:26 PM  PP5RB
You have worked El Salvador. Just reached 186 countries!

1/21/2025 11:22 PM  g3ypp

1/21/2025 11:07 PM  ea1g

1/21/2025 11:02 PM  KB9HMR
You have worked Pitcairn Island. Just reached 101 countries!

1/21/2025 11:00 PM  AF4CZ
You have worked China. Just reached 90 countries!

1/21/2025 10:56 PM  AC7GL
You have worked Marquesas Islands. Just reached 214 countries!

1/21/2025 10:56 PM  AC7GL
You have worked Marquesas Islands. Just reached 214 countries!

1/21/2025 10:55 PM  WA4ELK
2O M

1/21/2025 10:55 PM  DH2YBG

1/21/2025 10:52 PM  WB5E

1/21/2025 10:50 PM  oe6jve

1/21/2025 10:47 PM  W8TMB
hitting FT8 on 15m

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Welcome to BI9BJJ
HRDLOGnet: We have a new user. Welcome to BI9BJJ


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